Dress60 takes part in the Telefónica Open Future Global Race
Two weeks ago Dress60 met again. Alejandro Deleyto, CEO of the Startup, encouraged the team to participate in a Startup contest: The Telefónica Global Race Open Future.
The competition consisted in three phases where the first one mainly focused on creating the Startup’s profile and then try to get as much votes as possible. And so we did. We decided to take part in that adventure.
That same day we started to work. We built Dress60’s profile , we uploded it to the Telefónica’s platform and we started to contact people. We know we’ve been a little tiresome lately, but all that was for a good reason. The final award was to be able to present Dress60 to investors and professionals of the sector in the Mobile World Congress of Barcelona 2017.
Undoubtedly, that was our great motivation for not stopping typing and sending messages by Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and all the social networks that you can imagine, to all the people we know, non-stop. We contacted people from all over Spain: Almeria, Vitoria, Gijón, Oviedo, Madrid, Barcelona, Cadiz, Huelva, Valladolid and many others. But not only nationally, but also internationally: Mexico, Argentina, Germany, Portugal, UK, Brazil, South Africa, USA, Russia and a long etc.
It was a busy week, but every day that passed, we went from 100 votes over 100 votes. It was incredible! All this was possible thanks to the digital world in which we live nowadays. The connectivity that exists now. Sometimes, when we talked to a specific person, he or she told us that he or she had already voted, because a family member, a friend, a neighbor or someone that he or she knew had already told him/her about it… Dress60 was back on track.
The icing on the cake was set by a guy from Bangladesh who contacted us for an offer of 150 $, to get 1,000 votes. He emphasized that the votes were for real and he asked if we were interested in accepting their services, to which we strongly answer no. However, it was enriching to know that there are people who have found a business on voting contests of this type.
After the voting period closed, we got a whopping 574 votes in just one week. It was a great effort done by everyone. We managed to qualify in the 30th position from a list of 347 Startups. In addition, we were few positions away of one of the greatest in the information field. A boy who will give much to talk in the upcoming few years, Toni Moret, CEO of Infomix, which exceeded the 600 votes.
Although is true that we did not pass to the next qualifying phase, we are leaving the Telefónica Global Race with a very good feeling. The reward of being able to share our idea all around Spain and in many other parts of the world was priceless. Thanks to all of you.
The affection of the people, their support and their interest in the idea makes Dress60 to committe and continue fighting. Digitization is reaching all sectors and the fashion world can not be left behind. For that reason, Dress60 can not miss this opportunity to leave its own footprint in this Era, The 4th Industrial Revolution.
Once again thank you all for your support. Thank you Telefónica and we will keep it up. The show must go on.
Dress60, out.