The digital future of Fashion
The world of fashion is changing at a tremendous pace. Newer technologies are born and introduced every day, originating in Balenciaga, Ortega or Blahnik. But… Why? There are two basic reasons: The first is attributed to the evolution of new technologies, and the second is due to the Millennials. The digital future of fashion is almost here.
It is quite likely that one of them is reading this article, but who are these millennials exactly? To define them simply, they are the individuals that belong to the generation Y, who have been born in the last two decades of the twentieth century. Can you identify yourself as one of them? A major difference between this generation and the previous ones (generation X and Baby Boomers), is that we are much more influenced by technology.
“Kids used to be born with bread in their hands.
Nowadays…they are born with a fully mastered mobile phone and tablet ”.
Fashion brands are aware of this change. Thus, they must add and implement new technologies in order to interact with their future clients. Zara, Sephora, John Lewis, Tesco and many others have already began with this transformation.
However, what excels the most in these new tendencies that fill the fashion market are digital mirrors. Do you know about them? These new products are already revolutionizing the experience in stores all around the world. This is how a new method to try on clothes is born. Some stores like Ralph Lauren have already implemented this new tech in Manhattan, however, when will it reach Spain?
It is possible that introducing this new experience could boost sales. Nevertheless, it has been observed that there is an increasing tendency towards purchasing clothing product online in the retail world. How could this sales be further increased? This would be the next step that the largest brands in the world of fashion are facing. The next issue would be the mobile phone. This is the future, one that is in the hands of the Millennials.
See you in the next post.
“Millennials are driving a fundamental change in the way we think about corporate culture and what we see as the potential for impact in the social sector by both companies and employees”
Jean Case

El futuro digital de la Moda.
El mundo de la moda está cambiando a pasos agigantados. Las nuevas tecnologías se van introduciendo poco a poco en el hogar de Balenciaga, Ortega o Blahnik. Pero…¿Por qué? Básicamente por dos razones: la primera, la evolución de las tecnologías. La segunda, los Millennials. El futuro digital de la Moda ya esta cerca.
Quizás más de uno esté leyendo este artículo pero, ¿quiénes son exactamente? Por definirlos de alguna manera: Dícese de las personas pertenecientes a la generación Y, nacidas durante las dos últimas décadas del siglo XX. ¿Se identifican? A diferencia de las anteriores generaciones (la X y la Baby Boomer), la influencia de la tecnología en ellos ha sido mucho mayor.
«Antes los niños nacían con un pan bajo el brazo.
Hoy…nacen dominando un móvil y una tablet».
Las marcas de moda se han percatado de ello. Por lo tanto, deben introducir nuevas tecnologías para poder interactuar con sus futuros clientes. Zara, Sephora, John Lewis, Tesco y otras muchas han iniciado esta transformación.
Sin embargo, lo que más despunta entre las nuevas tendencias que inundan el mercado de la moda son los espejos digitales. ¿Los conocen? Estos nuevos instrumentos ya están revolucionando la experiencia en las tiendas de todo el mundo. Surge así una nueva forma de probarse la ropa. Algunas tiendas como Ralph Lauren ya han implementado esta tecnología en la “Gran Manzana” pero, ¿cuándo llegará a España?
Quizás introducir esta experiencia pueda incrementar las ventas. No obstante, se observa una creciente tendencia hacia la compra online en el mundo del retail. ¿Cómo hacer que la gente compre más a través de la red? Este sería el siguiente paso al que se enfrentan las grandes marcas del mundo de la moda. Y después, la era del móvil. Ese es el futuro, un futuro en manos de los Millennials.
Nos vemos en la siguiente entrada.
“Millennials are driving a fundamental change in the way we think about corporate culture and what we see as the potential for impact in the social sector by both companies and employees”
Jean Case